
Why business owners prefer Flutter to Native development?

Flutter mobile app

If you are a business owner and planning to build a mobile app, then you have landed at the right place. 

Because nowadays choosing a technology to build a mobile app is not an easy task. The technology that you pick for building your app,

  1. Should perform well, 
  2. Should be the latest tech stack, and 
  3. Also, should save time and money. 

So, as a business owner, your primary goal will be to build an app in a short span of time on a budget along with a great performance, right?

I have seen many business owners prefer native development due to its performance. But there is an all-rounder that can give you better performance than a native along with many benefits – for both developers and business owners.

Let’s not rush! First, understand the challenges if you are going with native development.

Challenges in choosing Native

  1. Platform-Specific development – Native frameworks don’t allow you to build both Android and iOS in a single platform. You have to build it separately using different technologies.
  2. Separate teams – In order to do this, you have to hire separate developers to build Android and iOS apps which will cost you a lot of time and money. 
  3. Steeper learning curve – Your developers need to learn platform-specific languages and frameworks (Swift/Objective-C for iOS, Kotlin/Java for Android) which takes its sweet time. 
  4. Performance variations across platforms – Yes, native can offer optimal performance but there will be slight variations between iOS and Android due to platform-specific differences. 
  5. Limited code reusability – Do you know that code written for one platform may not be directly transferable to the other? This makes it difficult for code efficiency and maintainability. 
  6. Slower time-to-market: Developing separate native apps can take longer and will definitely delay your product launch. 

So, how can we overcome these challenges? 

There comes our superhero – Flutter

Yes, it’s Google’s brainchild which allows you to build super-fast and reliable apps in a single platform. Let’s discuss more in the upcoming sections. 

7 reasons why developers and business owners love Flutter

When it comes to cross-platform development, the first thing that comes to our mind is Flutter. 

Because of its robust features and performance, it’s the developer’s all-time favourite.

1) Single Codebase for Multiple Platforms

First, you need to understand what is the meaning of single codebase.

A single codebase allows your developers to write one set of code for multiple platforms that work seamlessly on various operating systems like iOS, Android, web, and desktop.

Flutter stands out as a top choice for developers using a single codebase across multiple platforms. With Flutter, you can write one set of code that works on iOS, Android, and even on the web, and desktop by eliminating the need for separate development efforts for each platform

This helps reduce development time and costs allowing business owners to save significantly. 

Also by maintaining one codebase, businesses can deliver consistent experiences across different devices while speeding up their time to market. 

2) Speedy Coding with Hot Reload

As the name says, it’s one of the hottest features available in Flutter.

With Hot Reload, app developers can make changes to the code and instantly see the results in the app without the need to restart or recompile the entire application.

It helps in both development and debugging processes and helps developers save a lot of time.

For business owners, the benefits are clear – shorter development times mean lower costs, and the ability to implement new features very quickly based on the business requirements or market trends. It’s a game-changer. 

3) Customizable and Rich UI

Flutter has a vast collection of customizable widgets using which developers to create visually stunning and unique user interfaces. 

Using Flutter’s UI components, developers can easily make adjustments in layout, color schemes, and typography so that it ensures your app reflects the brand’s identity.

This level of personalization gives businesses a competitive edge so you can differentiate yourself in a crowded market.

With a stunning mobile app, your business can deliver consistent and memorable experiences across all devices. 

4) Native-Like Speed and Responsiveness

There’s a common belief that native apps are unbeatable in terms of performance.

While native apps do offer great speed and responsiveness, Flutter has come a long way and can now match – and sometimes even beat – native performance in many cases.

Due to its ability to compile directly to native code and its efficient rendering system, Flutter delivers smooth and fast experiences. Thanks to Flutter Architecture!

Plus, when it comes to development speed and consistency across platforms, Flutter easily outshines native apps making it a smart and efficient choice for many projects.

5) Affordable App Building

Flutter cuts development costs by enabling a single team or a developer to create one codebase that works across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and the web. 

A business owner doesn’t have to hire separate teams for each platform (Android and iOS) which can save both time and resources. 

Additionally as discussed earlier, maintaining one codebase simplifies updates and reduces long-term maintenance expenses. 

So, this cost-effectiveness makes Flutter a popular choice for business owners looking to optimize their development budgets.

6) Strong Community and Google Support

As we all know, Flutter is an open-source framework backed by Google. It has a rapidly growing community that’s always working to make it better. 

With regular updates, plugins, and packages being added, developers can easily keep up with the latest trends and tools. 

For businesses, this strong community support means they can trust that Flutter will stay relevant and reliable for years to come.

7) Seamless Integration with Existing Code

Flutter makes it simple to integrate with existing codebases, which is a fantastic advantage for businesses aiming to scale their current apps.

Instead of starting from scratch, companies can gradually adopt Flutter which allows them to enhance their applications without the hefty costs and risks tied to a complete overhaul.

This capability is particularly beneficial for businesses that have established applications and want to enhance or scale them without starting from scratch.

To Conclude

In the business world, you need solutions that not only meet their performance requirements but also save time and resources.

If you’re a business owner looking to build or enhance a mobile app, Flutter app development is a fantastic option to consider than native.

As you move forward, keep these benefits in mind and consider how Flutter can help you achieve your goals.

Are you ready to take the leap?

If you are planning to build a mobile app using Flutter, you can contact our team. We are happy to help your business.

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